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Disability Law Office

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Disability Law Office

Social Security Disability Insurance Lawyer For Denver, Colorado

If you need help with a disability claim in Denver, Colorado, to file or appeal a denial, the Disability Law Office has the lawyer and legal support you need to obtain those benefits. 

Losing the ability to work as you once did, whether because of an accident, injury, or chronic condition, can be incredibly destabilizing. Yet being refused and let down by the institutions that are supposed to help, that you have been paying into your whole life, is even worse. 

Unfortunately, Social Security Disability Insurance benefits are denied as often, or even more, than they are accepted in Colorado. This can leave individuals and families in Denver under significant financial strain as costs pile up and revenues dry out. 

Refusals are not automatic, however, nor are they necessarily final; you do not need to despair. But you do need to act. Contact a Social Security Disability lawyer, like former pro-temp judge Randy Rosenblatt, as soon as possible. His firm, the Disability Law Office, helps disabled workers and their families appeal denials and obtain benefits throughout the Western half of the country.

Who, In Denver, Is Eligible For Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits?

If you have already applied and been denied, it may be because you were not eligible, though it is just as likely to have been because of an error or because a Social Security Administration (SSA) official decided you were not. In either case, it is vital you understand who can and cannot obtain social security benefits and how the Denver-based administrators in charge of your case will make that decision. 

First, it is important to remember that only workers who have been paying into the Social Security system are eligible for disability insurance benefits. For others, those who were born with a disability or are over the age of 65, other benefits may be available, but not SSDI; speak to an SSI lawyer to discuss those if that is your case. 

In addition to being a working-age adult who has paid into the Social Security system, the SSA requires you to have a mental or physical medical condition that meets the following conditions: 

  • It must render you unable to work for at least a year or until your expected death.
  • It must prevent you from doing the kind of work you used to do. 
  • It must prevent you from obtaining other work or employment. 

If you meet these conditions, believe you do, or have had a Denver doctor tell you do, chances are we can convince the SSA that you need and deserve the SSDI benefits. Even if your first application was denied. 

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How A Lawyer Can Help You Obtain SSDI Benefits In Denver?

If you have not yet applied for your Social Security Disability Insurance benefits and are planning to do so on your own, you deserve to know that more claims are denied than accepted. Indeed, proving your case and providing the right evidence and testimony that will match the SSA’s conditions is not easy; even a written note from the finest doctor in Denver can prove insufficient. 

Getting the help of an SSDI lawyer to handle your claim, organize your evidence, and prepare you for the SSA administrator’s questions can go a long way toward improving your chances, however. In addition to carefully setting you up for a successful claim, a lawyer can help speed up the process, reducing the time you have to wait between your injury or diagnosis and the arrival of those crucial financial benefits. 

And for those who have already tried applying on their own and been refused, an SSDI lawyer can help you appeal the decision and get a second chance at the support you have worked so hard to earn. 

What Appeal Options Are Available After A Denver SSDI Claim Refusal?

If you have had your benefits denied, you are likely to be feeling frustrated or helpless, but there are still options for appealing the decision and getting the help you and your family need. You can even try most of these steps on your own, but when appealing, even more than when applying for benefits in the first place, having an attorney’s assistance is vital. 

After the initial refusal, the following key steps are available to appeal the process, and no matter which one you have reached in Denver or beyond, our team of lawyers can help you prepare and succeed:

  • SSA Hearing - This must be requested within 60 days of the initial denial, and it allows your case to be presented to an administrative law judge who will make sure the rules were correctly applied to your case. It can take some time to secure one, though, so do not delay. 
  • Appeals Council Review - If the hearing still results in a denial, you can appeal to the highest internal SSA authority, the appeals council. A strong case can convince them to reverse the denial, though they may choose to uphold it or order a new hearing. 
  • Federal Court Appeal - The SSA is not the ultimate authority, though. In some cases, even after a denial, if your lawyer believes you have a strong enough claim, it can be taken up in federal court with a lawsuit, giving you one last chance to make your case and obtain the crucial benefits. 

Each appeal is increasingly complex, difficult, and costly, which makes the assistance of a good lawyer invaluable. Fortunately for Denver residents, the Disability Law Office often handles these cases without any upfront payment, only accepting a limited portion of what is awarded if the appeal succeeds. 

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Call A Denver Social Security Disability Lawyer Today

Disability Law Office | Denver, Colorado, Social Security Disability Insurance Lawyer

The Disability Law Office | Randy Rosenblatt is a highly experienced disability benefits and appeals attorney who can help you with your Denver disability claim.

Regardless of where you are in your disability claim process, if you are facing the Social Security system in Denver, you do not deserve to do so alone. With the help of the Disability Law Office and a skilled attorney, you can improve your chances of obtaining the benefits you need, even when challenging a denial. 

You can obtain such assistance in Denver or anywhere else in the West or Northwest with a call (503) 868-4748 or by filling out our online contact form to set up an appointment.

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