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Have you suffered an injury or illness that has rendered you unable to work in Las Vegas? Contact a lawyer at the disability law office to discuss your right to SSDI benefits.
Las Vegas may seem glamorous to much of the country, with ritzy casinos full of wealthy tourists and high rollers. But the truth is that most families in Clark County live precarious lives, surviving from paycheck to paycheck. A single accident, repetitive stress injury, or mental breakdown under the strain of demanding and underpaid labor can result in an inability to work entirely.
If that has happened to you or someone in your family, then you might already be struggling to get by. Fortunately, the majority of working folk have a crucial lifeline they have been paying into for just such a situation: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). The benefits this system can provide to disabled workers cannot be underestimated, nor can the difficulties and complexities of the process required to obtain them.
Most SSDI claims with the Social Security Administration in Las Vegas will, unfortunately, be denied. At least the first time around. With the help of an experienced attorney like Randy Rosenblatt, you can streamline the process, improve your chances, and appeal even a denied claim.
Las Vegas has a broad and diversified workforce, many of whom work in dangerous jobs like big kitchens or construction sites. Injuries are a distinct possibility for many and a daily reality for some. Accidents are not the only risks either; repetitive stress injuries or a mental health crisis can creep up on you over the course of years, only to render you just as unable to work as a bloody or brutal machinery accident.
Not all workers, unfortunately, will have the right to demand benefits after such injuries. For one thing, you have to have been working legally and paying into the social security system throughout your employment to be able to claim SSDI benefits. So, tragically, illegal workers or those paid under the table in the service sector are unlikely to be able to apply.
Even if you have been paying into the Social Security system throughout your career, your situation has to meet the following, sometimes very exacting standards:
These conditions can sometimes be difficult indeed to prove, especially with the broad diversity of jobs available in the greater Las Vegas area. As a result, many, maybe even most, Social Security Disability Insurance claimants will be refused. Do not panic or despair if that is the case for you, but call a lawyer, and we can help you appeal that decision.
If your SSDI claim has been denied, rejected or been going for years without results, you might well be feeling betrayed. After all, you paid into a system hoping never to need it, but the day you do, it could very well let you down despite everything.
This can lead to despair and hopelessness, and some Las Vegas families end up not even trying or pushing themselves to go back to work despite their doctor’s orders. Resulting in further injury or even greater hardship. Do not be among them.
Instead, reach out to a lawyer with SSDI experience. Here at the Disability Law Office, we have seen every type of injury and denial imaginable, and our head attorney, former pro-temp judge Randy Rosenblatt, has a strong record of successful disability appeals.
After all, there are three possible appeals you can make with the help of a good lawyer after an initial refusal by the Nevada SSA in Las Vegas.
These procedures, as well as the initial application, can take years, which is why you should not wait to contact a lawyer as soon as you learn that you will be unable to continue working or find another job in Las Vegas.
The Disability Law Office | Lawyers who will fight for your right to disability benefits from the Social Security System you have been paying into throughout your years working in Las Vegas.
Whether you have just walked out of a doctor’s office in Las Vegas after getting the news you will not be able to work, or your SSDI claim has been rejected once or even twice, the Disability Law Office can help. Our experienced attorneys will review your case for free and help you figure out the best path forward.
Because we know how much financial strain a workplace accident or other medical disability can put you under, our SSDI lawyer will not charge you upfront but will work on a contingency plan. We only get paid if we are able to successfully obtain the benefits you need, and the cut we take is always capped to make sure you still get enough to help you and your family through these difficult times.
To contact our office and request a review of your claim, simply call (503) 868-4748 right now or find us online to tell us about your situation. We look forward to helping you obtain the disability benefits you need and deserve.