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Disability Law Office

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Call now to schedule your consultation or file your claim - we can help you get in line right now for a hearing.

Disability Law Office

Disability Law Office Lawyer Helps Phoenix Residents Navigate Overwhelmed Social Security System

If you are living with a disability in or near Phoenix, chances are you have already butted heads with the busy Social Security Disability Insurance system - Get help from a lawyer with the Disability Law Office.

Work can seem like a drag and a burden right up until the day you realize you cannot work anymore. More than 7 million people in Arizona struggle to get by from week to week and month to month on Social Security Disability Insurance, SSDI. Unfortunately, for each individual and family getting these benefits, limited as they are, another applicant is waiting, or worse, dealing with a denial.

In Phoenix, there are only two field offices for the Social Security Administration, which can cause quite a backlog for those who need to go in for a hearing. And yet, it is not even at the hearing stage that most Arizonans see their disability claims denied.

Just under two-thirds of Copper State applicants for SSDI benefits are denied at the initial stage, which is even higher than the national average. These numbers go up for those who push through to the hearing stage in Phoenix, but even so, less than half of applicants will be accepted. Make sure you are in the right half by working with a skilled SSDI disability claim lawyer like Randy Rosenblatt.

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Who Can Even Apply For Social Security Disability Insurance?

Social Security Disability Insurance Lawyer, Phoenix, AZ

One of the most common reasons Arizona SSDI applications get denied at the initial stage is that they simply fail to meet the state or federal requirements for eligibility. Worse, many of these will simply get denied for failing to present the claim or information properly or completely, leading to a refusal that has nothing to do with your actual eligibility for the benefits.

In Phoenix, in order to qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance, you must have

  • Worked jobs that qualified you for and contributed to social security, but not old enough to retire.
  • Been diagnosed with an injury or restriction on the list of qualifying conditions by a doctor or approved specialist.
  • An estimated time you will be unable to work that matches the requirements for your field is usually a year.

Notice the trend? Even in each eligibility requirement, there are further, more detailed and specific requirements and conditions you must meet in order to fulfill that criterion. It is a fractal descent into the world of bureaucracy. It can take a lifetime of work to get used to.

Fortunately, that is what you get on your side when you reach out to Social Security Disability Insurance Benefit Claim lawyer Randy Rosenblatt of the Disability Law Office.

How A lawyer Can Help You Access Arizona Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits In Phoenix

If you have been struggling after an injury, dealing with worsening health or have your doctor urging you to stop work so that you can finally recover, you might need those precious SSDI benefits just to get by. We know how important they are and the difference they can make to workers and their families in the Phoenix area, which is why we work around the clock to do just that in Arizona and up and down the West Coast.

1. Maximize Your Chances Of An Initial Acceptance

Getting accepted right off the bat can save a lot of time and trouble while keeping you from ever having to go in to either Phoenix SSDI office for an appeal hearing. You might think you are saving costs by doing everything yourself, but getting everything perfect from the start takes the kind of knowledge and experience only a specialized attorney has.

Unfortunately, too many Arizonans roll that dice or never even think of contacting an attorney until they have been rejected. This is why the disability law office is most often contacted to help when something has already gone wrong, notably for the first appeal.

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Social Security Disability Insurance Lawyer, Phoenix, AZ

2. Bolstering Your Chances Of A Successful SSDI Appeal

We are not going to blame you for trying to handle your own application; after all, you might believe that the system is there to help, that your needs are genuine, and your doctor is clear. That belief, however, is not what Social Security Officers decide based on, especially at the initial application level.

A refusal is a rude awakening, however, which is usually enough to make most Arizonans realize they are not dealing with a friendly system. When your application has been refused, whether for a substantive reason or technical error, you only have a limited number of chances to contest that denial and get it accepted, and you need to make sure you nail the appeal.

Call A Phoenix, Arizona, SSDI Disability Claim Attorney

Disability Law Office | Helping disabled and injured workers and their families in Phoenix, Arizona, obtain Crucial Social Security Disability Insurance benefits.

If you have not yet applied for your benefits, there is still time to make sure you have the strongest possible application by contacting our office. If you have been denied, however, the clock is already ticking on your right to request a hearing for an appeal.

In either case, the sooner you reach out to our SSDI benefits attorney at the Disability Law Office, the more likely we will be able to provide that crucial difference between an acceptance and a denial to secure you those benefits you need and deserve.

Call our office at (503) 868-4748 or schedule a free consultation online today to get started on your SSDI application or appeal.

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