The Social Security Application Process
The process of applying for Social Security is notoriously complicated, as are most application processes for government benefit programs. As Social Security and disability attorneys, our job is to make that process simpler, easier, and more accessible.
How do I Apply for Social Security?
The Social Security application process has a number of steps. These steps all involve the consideration of the Social Security Administration (SSA), the federal agency that decides whether claims are approved or denied.
Step 1: Application. This is your first “pitch” of your case for SSDI or SSI benefits to the SSA. It involves gathering all documentation to prove that you qualify for the program. Knowing what information to include, and exactly how to seek out documentation of various qualifying factors, can be very difficult for the average layperson. However, it is essential for a successful application.
The SSA takes around five months on the decision to approve or deny applications. It’s important to note that they initially deny around 2/3 of all applications. For most denied applicants, denial is not a sign to stop trying to seek benefits.
Step 2: Hearing. If your application was denied, you have 60 days to request a Social Security Administration hearing. SSA hearings are brought before administrative law judges within the SSA. Many claims that were denied in the application process are approved after an SSA hearing.
There is quite a long wait time to get a hearing. On average, it takes around a year and a half from the time you file for your case to be heard before an SSA judge. However, hearings can be expedited in certain cases, especially in cases of extreme need.
Step 3: Appeals Council Review. If your claim was denied for a second time at your SSA hearing, you are not yet out of options. You can request a review of your case from the Appeals Council, which is something like the Supreme Court within the SSA. They are the highest level of internal decision making within the agency. One the Appeals Council reviews your case, they can either decide to affirm or uphold the denial, order a new hearing, or reverse the denial themselves.
Step 4: Federal Court Appeal. If you bring your denied claim to the Appeals Council and they decide to uphold the denial, you are out of options within the SAA. However, this doesn’t mean you are out of options altogether. From there, you can bring a federal district lawsuit against the SAA. Each suit of this sort is different, but they essentially all argue that the facts of the case merit acceptance to the program rather than rejection from it.
Obviously, the sooner you can get benefits, the better. We represent clients throughout the entire process, unlike many firms that will only get involved if your initial application is denied. We also have a strong record of success at each stage of the appeals process.
Does this all sound overwhelming to you? Do you need to file an application or make an appeal, but feel like the process is too daunting? In the Lake Oswego, OR area, Randy Rosenblatt and the experienced team at Disability Law NW can help. Attorney Rosenblatt is an experienced, skillful attorney who specializes in disability and Social Security and knows the SSA like the back of his hand. He knows how to get applications to acceptance levels, and to shepherd and advocate for the case along the way. As soon as he takes on a viable application, the odds of acceptance increase dramatically. Give yourself a better chance of getting the benefits you deserve. Call (503) 868-4748 for a free consultation today.
Expert Social Security Advice
Disability Law guides individuals through the many bureaucratic loopholes to the benefits they have earned and absolutely deserve.
If we determine you have a case during your free initial consultation, we’ll help you complete all forms required throughout the claim process.
We’re diligent about meeting deadlines and ensuring that paperwork doesn’t fall through the cracks.
What will we help you do?
- Provide expert Social Security advice and representation for people having mental or physical disabilities.
- Facilitate acquiring available government benefits.
- Help disabled individuals attain adequate medical coverage and financial assistance.
- Treat clients and SSA personnel with a friendly, compassionate and respectful attitude.
- Make the process as easy and uncomplicated as possible; to take care of our clients the way we’d want to be taken care of.
SS Disability Process & Timeline
We will Represent You Throughout the Entire Social Security Disability Process!
If you are applying for Social Security disability (SSD) or SSI benefits, it is important to know what needs to be done at each stage to protect your rights. In Disability Law Office NW we carefully and attentively guide our clients through the entire process.
To set up a free consultation with an experienced disability benefits lawyer, contact us today. We are licensed and able to serve clients throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Northern California helping them understand their options.
Call Now For A Consultation
(503) 868-4748
Taking Every Opportunity to Get the Benefits You Deserve
There are several stages in the Social Security Administration (SSA) disability claim process. At each stage, your benefits can be approved or denied. If your claim is denied, you have 60 days to file an appeal. The stages are:
- Application
- Hearing
- Appeals Council Review
- Federal Court Appeal
Obviously, the sooner you can get benefits, the better. We represent clients throughout the entire process, unlike many firms that will only get involved if your initial application is denied. We also have a strong record of success at each stage of the appeals process.
Want to learn more? Click here to read about 25 Helpful Strategies to increase your chances of success in qualifying for benefits and gaining money faster.
Call Now For A Consultation
(503) 868-4748