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Call now to schedule your consultation or file your claim - we can help you get in line right now for a hearing.
The question of how long it takes to get disability benefits is not an easy one. The timing depends on many factors, including but not limited to financial circumstances, severity of injury, appeals, and geographic area. Some cases may be won in 30 days. Other cases can take up to two years.
There is emergency assistance for some cases. An experienced disability attorney can help expedite your disability claim.
The Quick Disability Determination program was designed for people whose “medical conditions are so serious that they clearly meet our disability standards” Social Security Administration. The technology allows the Social Security Administration to identify claimants with the most severe disabilities, and approve their claim within a few days.
Compassionate Allowances quickly identifies medical conditions that meet the Social Security Administration standards. These medical conditions include but are not limited to some cancers, adult brain disorders, and a number of rare disorders that impact children.
Terminal Illness (TERI) cases are for claimants whose medical records indicate that the medical condition is not treatable. This could be those waiting on an organ transplant, heart failure, chronic dependence, or cancer.
The Presumptive Disability Program provides Supplemental Security Income to claimants before they are approved for disability benefits. Claimants that may receive SSI are those suffering from down syndrome, terminal illnesses, blindness, deafness, or HIV or AIDS.
If you are unable to work due to an injury or medical condition, it is important to speak with an experienced social security disability attorney to help you get the benefits that you deserve. Contact the attorneys at Disability Law Office NW in Portland and Lake Oswego to get your disability benefits as efficiently as possible.
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(503) 868-4748